One prime reason why people don’t like going “downtown” in Bangkok is because of the appalling traffic that stagnates mobility in general. Be it the morning peak hours or evening rush there are many areas in the city that seem to get clogged. Sometimes even in expressways vehicles get congested, exasperating the drivers. Although the government is doing its part in looking for various solutions to alleviate this problem, commuters have to find their own remedies.
Tip1 – Use Google Maps
Google Maps not only gives reliable directions but it can also come handy in checking traffic. Green lights will indicate a fast traffic whereas red lights will indicate slow traffic. This gives you the option of either changing the route to your destination, and it may even help you in determining your choice of transportation: taxi or motor bike.
Tip2 – Keep Track of Time
When you understand that traffic can get heavy on any given day in a city like Bangkok, have enough time on hand. Estimate the time you need to get to your destination and divide it between the transits you may make. Estimate the time will it take to get from your house to the motorbike stand, then to the BTS, then to the bus station etc.
Tip3 – Explore alternative routes
Once you’ve been long enough on your regular roads to work or home, you can scan around and try shortcuts. Many motorbike taxi drivers are highly skilled in cutting through streets. Take that as a tutorial and follow their trail next time you are driving a car or motorbike of your own. You may be surprised to find pathways that you never knew of.
Good luck arriving to your destination on time.
PS: If the traffic is too bad and you know you’ll be stuck in a taxi for hours, stop at Hustlers Bangkok for a game of pool until the roads clear.