
7th April 2018 -bangkok-thailand

Pool Hall vs Snooker Hall Atmosphere

Mihnea: Speaking of professional, I walk into Hustlers, unbutton my shirt, take my shirt out and just play. And then you look at a professional snooker […]
6th April 2018 thailand billiards association

Thailand Billiards and Snooker Association

Mihnea: Who organized this event? Stuart: It’s by the Thailand Billiards and Snooker Association. They organize like five or six tournaments every year where you go […]
5th April 2018 stuart-pettman-pool-billiards-bangkok

Playing Thepchaiya Un-Nooh, Thailand’s Best Snooker Player

Mihnea: So when was the last game? Stuart: The last game was actually on my birthday which was the 24th of April, last month. Mihnea: At […]
4th April 2018 graham-hill-hustlers-bangkok-thailand

Hustlers Bangkok: Thailand Snooker Ranking Series

Mihnea: So are you playing in Thailand then? Stuart: Yes, I just started playing in the professional. It’s not that professional, but it’s the Thailand ranking series […]
3rd April 2018 bangkok-terminal-21

What makes a pool hall atmosphere special

Mihnea: You were bored of the game and the pressure of the game, but were you bored off the atmosphere in a pool hall? Stuart: The […]
2nd April 2018

Hustlers Bangkok: Where the Pro and Amateur Pool Players Meet

Mihnea: Hi, this is Mihnea. I’m downtown Bangkok at Hustlers Bangkok. It is one of my favourite hangout areas in Bangkok. I just came to check […]
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